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General Meeting and Birthday Party

General Meeting and Birthday Party

On November 15th we celebrated ETFO’s 20th Anniversary with our General Meeting and Trivia Night. During the business portion of the evening, new teachers in attendance were recognized and members who have completed 25 years of service were honoured. After the meeting members enjoyed a birthday party inspired dinner, complete with birthday cake followed by an exciting evening of team trivia. Fun was had by all!

Sympathy Donations for 2018/19

Sympathy Donations for 2018/19

Each year the Bluewater Local Executive selects a non-profit organization to make a donation to upon the passing of a member’s loved one. In 2018 – 2019 the Local will be making donations to the Georgian Riding Association for Challenged Riders, (G.R.A.C.E.), a registered charity organization that provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons for challenged children and adults in Grey and Bruce counties.